
Recent technological advances allow the measurement, in a single Hi-C experiment, of the frequencies of physical contacts among pairs of genomic loci at a genome-wide scale.

Iced implements a fast and memory efficient of the ICE normalization strategy. It is included in the HiC-pro pipeline, that processes data from raw fastq files to normalized contact maps. iced grew bigger than just being a normalization packages, and contains a number of utilities functions that may be useful if you are analyzing and processing Hi-C data.


HiC-Pro: an optimized and flexible pipeline for Hi-C data processing *N. Servant, N. Varoquaux, B.R. Lajoie, E. Viara, C.J. Chen, J.-P. Vert, E. Heard, J. Dekker, E. Barillot, Genome Biology 2015


If you have any questions or suggestions, please email nelle dot varoquaux at ensmp dot fr, or open a ticket on Github

Indices and tables