(counts, alpha=- 3.0, beta=1.0, ini=None, verbose=0, use_zero_entries=False, precompute_distances=False, bias=None, random_state=None, type='MDS2', factr=1000000000000.0, maxiter=10000)¶Estimating the structure from contact count data using MDS/NMDS
The (normalized) contact count matrix as a dense ndarray
Coefficient of the power law used in converting interaction counts to wish distances
Coefficient corresponding to the scaling factor of the structure.
The initial point of the optimization. If None or “random”, will be randomly set. Else, should be an ndarray of shape (n, 3) where n is the number of bins in the contact count matrix.
Whether to use contact counts that are 0.
If provided, then counts is considered to be the wish distances to use in the MDS optimization.
Determines random number generation. Use an int to make the randomness deterministic.
Whether to apply MDS1 or “MDS2” (weighted MDS). See companyon article for more information.
The precision of the optimization algorthim. See scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b for more information. The higher, the more precise. By default, is set to very high precision.
The maximum number of iteration.